Saturday, December 26, 2009

Highlight reels don't win championships,The boring plays win championships?

boy the offseason sure brings a lot of mouth running,look for all you stat lovers here's the facts,you win three sb rings and you are in the hof,big ben already has two,think about it.stats don't win championships heart and determination does and ben has plenty of both.he's not going to have these great stats like you seem to love so much because thats not the type of system the steelers run.all they ask him to do is win the game and that's all he does.people are saying the steelers have no chance to repeat just because brady is back,give me a break! If the steelers win people say they cheated if they lose people say they suck,ha it's amazing.what's even more amazing is the that the same thing was said last year.just keep right on doubting the steelers,It's going to be so fun hearing all the the steeler haters make excuses (again).Highlight reels don't win championships,The boring plays win championships?
Stats or not, all i care about are Wins and that's what the steelers do, so i'm happy:) the haters can say what they want, the steelers are great and will be for a long time:) so rock on steelers!Highlight reels don't win championships,The boring plays win championships?
i really don't have a problem with the steelers they are cool to me:) they are actually the only team in the league that respects the patriots ( unlike their fans) the steelers are great and ben is second only to brady! it will be a fun afc title game if it is against those two teams, the best offense going up against the best defense( nothing would be better than that) :)
Stats CAN win championships...but do they GUARANTEE championships?...Hell no...

Case and point...If it was true, Peyton Manning and Brett Favre would have more than 1...

And John Elway and Dan Marino had all the stats before Favre came along, but Elway couldn't win it all until his last 2 years...Marino didn't have ANY Super Bowls...
Stats get you to the HOF. There are plenty of players without rings that will go. Also look at Terrell Owens. He has no heart/determination and he will get to the HOF. Same with Randy Moss.
Both stats and rings lead to the HOF. Look at Marino. Although I think it is easier to get there by rings alone.
Stat get you to the HOF
What's the question?

(Shamwow now on 15% off sale, all of next week.)
patriots r the best team ever u cant emit it stupid SS on the cheifs bretard pollard had 2 over dramatize the play. and i am a football junky i no everyone on the patriots steelers stink brady brady. with the addition of shawn spring and fred taylor and darius butler and joey galloway wer r going 2 win wer the best ur jelous brady will throw 12345678 TDs this and will crush ur back u just jumped on the band wagon im 12 but ive been a pats fan seince i was 5. with welker our slot man and moss and galloway burning it on the outside ur DONE

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